
Frequency tracking and throttling utilities.

class Base(bucket=None)

An abstract base for all classes implementing frequency check mechanisms.


bucket (list) – Used to track state.

property bucket

Storage tracking values.


This object is solely internally managed. Changes to it may lead to unexpected behavior.


Get the number of values adhering to the key.


key (func) – Only count items abiding to this.

left(limit, **kwargs)

Get the number of space left according to the limit.

  • limit (int) – Current count will be deducted from this.

  • kwargs – Passed on to count()

check(delay, limit, value, key=None, bypass=False, excess=None, rate=1)

Check if the valve is open and track the value accordingly.

  • delay (float) – Wait for this many seconds before discarding.

  • limit (int) – Only track the value if the current size is less than this.

  • value (any) – Something to track, adapt it to your key needs.

  • key (func) – Only account for values adhering to this.

  • bypass (bool) – Track the value regardless of whether it exceeds limit.

  • excess (int) – Amount of extra values allowed for tracking.

  • rate (float) – Multiplied against the delay after any modifications to it.


Using excess will not affect the result, but will reduce the delay after which extra values are discarded. The formula for the rate-affecting delay is (left + excess) / limit.

class Valve(*args, loop=None, **kwargs)

Bases: Base

Can only have limit of key’d values every rate seconds.


loop (asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) – Signal the use of asyncio instead of threading.

class Static(*args, time=<built-in function monotonic>, **kwargs)

Bases: Base

Works like Valve, except it doesn’t use any concurrent utilities.


time (func) – Used for calculating expiry timestamps.


Insourcing time calculations results to check() being almost 3x slower.

wrap(*args, strict=False, apply=None, valve=None, **kwargs)

Decorator for controlling execution.

  • strict (bool) – Account for arguments when deciding whether to throttle. Similar to functools.lru_cache() returning the same result for the same arguments.

  • apply (func) – Takes the arbitrary amount of positional and keyword arguments passed and returns a single value used for state tracking.

  • valve (Base) – Used for deciding whether to prevent execution.

Additional arguments will be used as defaults for check().